
I help social entrepreneurs thrive.

Weekly tips and stories for solopreneurs and change makers to help you thrive in all aspects of your life from the inside out. Experience in working in prisons, writing, coaching and mentoring. Author of Wing of an Angel, an inspirational memoir.

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Are you maximising your reach and income?

"Take advantage of the platforms that exist" Mary Schiller - Insight Timer Teacher Hello Reader, I'm really waking up to the possibilities of creating reach and impact in a much more simplified way. If you're anything like me, you've struggled in your coaching practice, trying to niche, finding the right clients, and creating the right offer. The list is endless! Let me know if any of those problems resonate with you. My journey with creating audio for Insight Timer has opened up a whole...

It's not what you bring to the stage that matters, it's what you leave there.

"Confidence, connection, understanding. The elements of a great teacher." The Downward Doug - Insight Timer Teacher Hello Reader, The Insight Timer community of teachers experienced a bit of a shock last week. Christopher Plowman, the CEO, announced big changes in how the company shares its revenue. However, if you are anything like me, you will see this as an opportunity, NOT a setback. What was even more joyful to me was the response CP got on LinkedIn, which proved that the platform is...

Do You Want More Clarity?

Bytes of Insight "Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect" " It's not how big the lighthouse is that matters, it's the strength of it's light" Dear Reader, Let me tell you about a conference for you and about you. Do you want more clarity, more peace, more resilience and less worry? Well then join me at the 3PUK conference this coming weekend. It starts on Sunday and runs until Tuesday. If you can't make it in person then they have virtual tickets. Keep reading for a special gift for you. I'm thrilled...

Can You Turn What You Love Into a Business?

"Today, more than 10,000 people sign up to Insight Timer every 24 hours. And we’ve done it all without ever spending a cent on advertising." Christopher Plowman, CEO of Insight Timer App Hello Reader, I've been nurturing a sprained ligament in my knee (I fell off a train in Vienna!) so I've been a bit slow on getting the interview with Clare Downham to you. However, it's here now and boy, is it worth the wait :) Clare was a delight to interview and shared loads of valuable tips and tricks for...

Do You Want To Create Income As Well As Impact?

"Attraction beats Promotion every time" Christopher Plowman, CEO of Insight Timer App Me: It's time! You: What is it time for JB? Me: It's time to be OK with making money! You: Why do you say that JB? Me: I've worked in the third sector for over ten years. And I've met many heart-centred leaders along the way. And they are always thinking about IMPACT and rarely thinking about INCOME. You: That's good, isn't it? Me: Yes and No! The thing is over the last couple of years I've come to realise...

Do You Feel Listened To?

Bytes of Insight "Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect" " Change the way you listen … and the entire world will change" Dear Reader, First, a gift! If you like audio and your struggling with procrastination, you'll enjoy my new audio course on the Insight Timer App - How To Make Decisions You Can Trust Do You Feel Listened To? I never knew listening could have such an impact. One of the exercises we do in our workshops is having people listen to each other. - not listening to respond- not listening...

The Spirit of Enquiry - Spotlight on Suzie Yeulett

Bytes of Insight "Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect" "Unlock your birthright to unlimited potential." Suzie Yeulett This week, Bytes is focussing on a phenomenal teacher, coach and podcast host, Suzie Yeulett. After a career in design, Suzie retrained as a change coach. Her curiosity was peaked during her experience of being with her mum at the end of her life. Suzie had several insights which got her looking in the direction of the human design and the way our minds create our experience. I'm...

What Have You Been Able To Do?

Bytes of Insight "Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect" "I never thought I'd come to much. That's what my Dad told me anyway." Dear Reader, Happy May for Tomorrow! Don't you just love that Spring is coming and everything is blooming? It really is one of my favourite times of the year. MamaJ Spring Walks May is the start of conference season, a busy time for me for talks and events, which is crazy when you think I feared public speaking more than I feared anything else in the world! I remember a...

Listening Is The Key To Life

Bytes of Insight "Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect" "Our lives intermingle in the most unexpected and delightful ways. Feel the joy of synchronicity" Dear Reader, You never know when you're having an impact on someone. I write about this a lot, and that's because I see it so often. My friend and mentor Dr Jack Pransky is hosting a Listening retreat with a wonderful lady called Lori Carpenos (author of It's an Inside Out World) on the beautiful island of Hönö in Sweedon. Listening Retreat...