Do you take on too much?

Bytes of Insight

"Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect"

Dear Reader,

Wow, I can't believe it's been a month since I last wrote to you! it's been a whirlwind but that's no excuse.

Sometimes there's just too much on our plates, right? Do you have that problem?

As multi-passionate people, we will always end up with an overflow, so we have to streamline on a regular basis. I like to do it once a quarter.

So this letter brings you:

  • my best tips for streamlining and focusing on what really matters.
  • and exciting news about two new training offers

Streamline for Focus

When I start dropping balls, I realise that it's time for a cull, but I always have difficulty letting go of projects I've nurtured. This little routine helps me out.

  • Brain dump everything you're involved in onto a big piece of paper or your journal, including the bigger projects and the little things you have to do, like admin. I also include family stuff so that I can get a bigger picture. Have fun with this, use different-coloured pens, and categorise in any way you like.
  • Draw a green circle around anything that is revenue-generating, or you have a commitment to completing.
  • Draw a purple circle around the things you love doing, the ones that bring you joy.
  • Look at your list for anything obvious that you can let go of. And strike it out.
  • Take time out and return to your list and see if there is anything else you can let go of. Repeat until satisfied.
  • Now prioritise what's left on your list - be realistic about what you can achieve.

I have to do this several times a year and always find stuff I can let go of. It also helps me renew my commitment and focus on the essential things.

A bonus step is to have a journal for the things you will review in three months and see if they make it back to your list.

Let me know what you let go of and what goes on your review list.


I've been beavering away creating content for Insight Timer, and, would you believe it, I now have 8 courses and 21 tracks on the platform!

This app is not just for meditations; it is for heart-centred coaches and leaders to share their wisdom with people who want to hear it!

For instance, my latest course is Overcoming Obsessive Thinking Through Innate Health. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Coming up:

Writers Retreat September 12 - 15 in Leicester: I'm co-hosting an intimate in Leicestershire on the beautiful grounds of Launde Abbey. FULLY BOOKED

Solopreneur Mastery! September - December. I'm just back from Copenhagen, filming with Dorthe for our next SM course, and we can't wait to deliver this to you. More information soon

Insight To Wellbeing Training: Live - October 7-8: in Florida: I'll be delivering a two-day workshop for people interested in the evidence-based Insight To Wellbeing curriculum. Followed by an inspirational conference on wellbeing and resilience 9-11. Entry to the conference is free if you buy the training on the curriculum :)

Insight To Wellbeing Training Virtual - an online version of this training will take place this autumn. Check back for more details.

With love, JB (aka MamaJ)

Wild Inspired Life, Eastlands Court Business Centre St Peters Road , Rugby, CV21 3QP
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